1. 游戏在六边形棋盘上进行,玩家轮流在交叉点上放置棋子。
2. 黑方先手,之后双方交替落子。
3. 游戏目标是通过放置棋子形成尽可能多的等边三角形。
4. 当所有交叉点都被占据时,游戏结束。
5. 形成最多等边三角形的玩家获胜。
6. 在AI模式下,玩家执黑棋,与电脑对弈。
7. 高级模式允许计算任意角度的等边三角形。
Game Rules
1. The game is played on a hexagonal board, with players taking turns placing pieces on intersections.
2. Black moves first, followed by alternating turns.
3. The goal is to form as many equilateral triangles as possible by placing pieces.
4. The game ends when all intersections are occupied.
5. The player who forms the most equilateral triangles wins.
6. In AI mode, the player controls black pieces against the computer.
7. Advanced mode allows counting triangles at any angle.